In-Person Events & Retreats


Master Your Mind, Open Your Heart

A Yoga & Spiritual Awakening Retreat

Mercy by the Sea,

Madison, CT

July 19, 2024 - July 21, 2024

Join us on the retreat of a lifetime at the gorgeous Mercy by the Sea, an immaculate sea-side retreat center on the Atlantic Ocean in southern Connecticut, USA. Vedaji will lead this retreat, with additional instruction from Keshavi, Daksa, Nirvana, and friends. At this retreat, we will explore topics aligned with the five elements, and will engage in heart-opening activities including meditation, yoga asana, sound healing, kirtan, and more!


Feed the Unhoused in Connecticut

Every Sunday

12pm Hartford / 2pm Middletown

Food4Lives, Inc. is a non-profit organization founded by Vedaji and originating in Atlanta, Georgia. It has since expanded to Charlotte and Connecticut. Founded on the yogic principle of selfless service (seva), we seek to raise consciousness by providing home cooked, vegetarian meals to our unhoused and underserved neighbors. There are many ways to get involved, including cooking, serving, donating used clothing items and toiletries, delivering food, donating skills or monetary donations. If interested in joining the Connecticut movement, join our WhatsApp group, where we coordinate weekly needs. If interested in learning more about the Atlanta, Charlotte, and future efforts to expand, please email

Donate to Food4Lives