The Chitta Cleanse Technique (CCT)

Realizing the Virtue of Trauma


What is a Chitta Cleanse?

In Sanskrit, “chitta” means subconscious, and “suddhi” translates to purification. When a yogi performs chitta suddhi, they are purifying their subconscious thoughts, ideas, and emotions in order to reach Self-realization. In other words, they are purifying their ego and mind to realize their true, authentic nature as pure consciousness, or the Self. When done successfully, the yogi will recognize themselves as Sat-chit-ananda (truth-consciousness-bliss).

Chitta cleanse is a process created by ancient sages in India that has been passed down thousands of generations through disciplic succession. It is used to remove the false narrative of the ego dictated by trauma and to purify the mind in order to realize the Self. A form of self-inquiry, an individual asks questions about the thoughts and emotions that are holding them back from obtaining their pure, authentic nature. A cleanse of the subconscious mind, an individual who performs a chitta cleanse will be able to identify current negative patterns and reactions that have formed due to past traumas and conditioning. After identifying why, how, and where the negative patterns and reactions originated, an individual can then take positive steps forward to break free from the patterns and reactions holding them back from their true, authentic Selves.

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Who Created It?

The Chitta Cleanse Technique (CCT) was created by Vedaji, who performed a chitta cleanse on himself at a young age and after many dark years of trauma. By performing a chitta cleanse on himself over many years, he was able to break free from the shackles of the limited mind and ego and has completely transformed his life. In undergoing the process of Self-inquiry by himself, he realized how difficult it is to ask the right questions to oneself given the limitations of the egoic mind. He realized that he could help others objectively through this difficult process by asking the right questions, noticing patterns, and recommending solutions to break free from their past traumas.

Vedaji now travels the world introducing CCT and guiding followers through the chitta cleanse process. His goal is to set everyone free from the shackles of material attachment.

Stages of a Chitta Cleanse



With the help of a teacher, you will be guided through questions about your current emotional state of being, thereby decoding the patterns of actions and reactions and their relationship to the past. The teacher will ask you about past and current emotions, and the situations and circumstances under which those experiences occurred. Answering these questions will help you to realize what has been subconsciously holding you back for many years. If you journaled at any point in your life and still have the journals, they may be re-read and processed. Past and current dream analysis may also occur.

Releasing Toxicity and Maintaining Stability

After identifying the damage and patterns that were projected on you, you will release the negative emotions, pain, toxic attachments, and toxic people from your life in various ways. You will also secure your emotional, mental, intellectual, and physical space. Releasing toxic energy drains and securing your personal space allows you to reclaim your power in order to move forward in a positive manner, setting you up for success. There are various recommended modalities that may transpire in this process, each tailored to the individual.

Realizing Dharma

In yoga, dharma is your spiritual purpose in this lifetime and beyond, something directly influenced by the Universe and the Divine. After going through the previous steps, you will be guided through the process of realizing your dharma, which includes creating a roadmap and goals that allow you to follow it. Because dharma is the highest truth there is and is directly influenced by the Divine, any time a negative recurring thought or pattern arises, energy can be redirected to your dharma, which will help you to overcome your past conditioning.

“Chitta cleanse is a way to manifest your world by removing the obstacles.”


About VedaJi

Born under a bilba tree in the northeast Indian jungle, Vedaji grew up constantly asking questions trying to make sense of the world. In search of the answers to those questions, at the tender age of five he and his brother ran away from home, ultimately landing in a monastery where he lived through early adulthood. Given his inquisitive nature, at a young age he became known as the one everyone went to with their problems. He ultimately became the head of the monastery, remaining in that position for approximately 10 years. Eventually feeling a need to fulfill the greater purpose of his life, he moved to the United States approximately fifteen years ago to help raise consciousness in the western world.

Ultimately settling in Atlanta, Vedaji created the Mindful Seva Institute (MSI), a yoga-focused mental health organization that provides students the tools to set themselves free. Through MSI, he has empowered his students to create approximately ten Bhakti Yoga Clubs in various universities throughout the United States. Vedaji also created Food4Lives, a non-profit organization with thousands of volunteers and donors dedicated to providing food, shelter, and mental support services to the unhoused living in Connecticut, Georgia, New York, North Carolina, and Belgium.

While Vedaji has influenced the lives of thousands of devotees, followers, and students over his lifetime, he remains in humble gratitude to all of his teachers and gives all credit for his accomplishments to Krishna, Shiva, and the teachers before him. He simply lives to serve.

Vedaji setting up for a fire ceremony at the Florida chitta cleanse retreat in May 2021.

Vedaji setting up for a fire ceremony at the Florida chitta cleanse retreat in May 2021.

Vedaji inducting MSI Yoga Rishis at the Florida retreat in May 2021.

Vedaji inducting MSI Yoga Rishis at the Florida retreat in May 2021.

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